
领域一 天空是移动覆盖的边缘
The Sky is the Edge—Toward Mobile Coverage From the Sky
Nhu-Ngoc Dao, etc.
IEEE Internet Computing, 2021, 25(2): 101 - 108
Witnessing the recent rapid 5G commercialization with multiple advantages in terms of high throughput, low latency, great serviceability, and extreme density, people look forward to seeing a new innovation in the next-generation mobile networks–6G. As a demand response, 6G additionally integrates artificial intelligence into all operational perspectives of the network while incorporating new infrastructure to support service coverability to yet underserved areas. Since the artificial intelligence in 6G has been discussed significantly in the literature, this article, on the other hand, provides major insights of the 6G aerial radio access network (ARAN) as an expansion of mobile coverage from the sky. First, we highlight the distinct attributes of ARAN by constructing a comparative taxonomy among mobile access infrastructures. Consequently, comprehensive ARAN architecture, reference model, and potential technologies are analyzed. Next, current research trends are investigated followed by future challenge.

Fig. Overview of aerial radio access networks: Architecture and new emerging services.
领域二 用于海上物联网的蜂窝通信研究
Cellular Communications in Ocean Waves for Maritime Internet of Things
Yiming Huo, etc.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, 10(7): 9965-9979
The rapid advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) and fifth generation and beyond technologies is transforming the marine industry and research. Our understanding of the vast sea that covers 71% of the Earth's surface is being enhanced by the various ocean sensor networks equipped with effective communication technologies. In this article, we begin with a review of the research and development status-quo of Maritime IoT (MIoT) enabled by multiple wireless communication technologies. Then, we study the impact of sea waves on radio propagation and the communications link quality. Due to the severe attenuation of sea water to radio-frequency electromagnetic wave propagation, large ocean waves can easily block the communication link between a buoy sensor and a cell tower near shore. This article for the first time uses the ocean wave modeling of coastal and oceanic waters to examine the condition of line-of-sight communications. Real wave measurement data parameters are applied in the numerical evaluation of the developed model. Finally, the critical antenna design taking into account the wave impact is numerically studied with implementation solutions proposed, and the system hardware and protocol aspects are discussed.

Fig. Maritime MTC (IoT) communications enabled by various wireless communication technologies.
领域三 具有自适应波束成形和服务时间分配的RIS辅助离岸通信
RIS-Aided Offshore Communications with Adaptive Beamforming and Service Time Allocation
Zhengyi Zhou, etc
ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), which can deliberately adjust the phase of incident waves, have shown enormous potentials to reconFigure the signal propagation for performance enhancement. In this paper, we investigate the RIS-aided offshore system to provide a cost-effective coverage of high-speed data service. The shipborne RIS is placed offshore to improve the signal quality at the vessels, and the coastal base station is equipped with low-cost reconfigurable reflect-arrays (RRAs), instead of the conventional costly fully digital antenna arrays (FDAAs), to reduce the hardware cost. In order to meet the rate requirements of diversified maritime activities, the effective sum rate (ESR) is studied by jointly optimizing the beamforming scheme and the service time allocated to each vessel. The optimal allocation scheme is derived, and an efficient fixed-point based alternating ascent method is developed to obtain a suboptimal solution to the non-convex beamforming problem. Numerical results show that the ESR is considerably improved with the aid of the RIS, and the proposed scheme using the hardware-efficient RRAs has only a slight performance loss, compared to its FDAA-based counterpart.

Fig. RIS-aided offshore communication systems.
领域四 关于海空VSAT通信安全性研究
A Tale of Sea and Sky On the Security of Maritime VSAT Communications
James Pavur, etc.
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2020
Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) have revolutionized maritime operations. However, the security dimensions of maritime VSAT services are not well understood. Historically, high equipment costs have acted as a barrier to entry for both researchers and attackers. In this paper we demonstrate a substantial change in threat model, proving practical attacks against maritime VSAT networks with less than $400 of widely-available television equipment. This is achieved through GSExtract, a purpose-built forensic tool which enables the extraction of IP traffic from highly corrupted VSAT data streams.The implications of this threat are assessed experimentally through the analysis of more than 1.3 TB of real-world maritime VSAT recordings encompassing 26 million square kilometers of coverage area. The underlying network platform employed in these systems is representative of more than 60% of the global maritime VSAT services market. We find that sensitive data belonging to some of the world's largest maritime companies is regularly leaked over VSAT ship-to-shore communications. This threat is contextualized through illustrative case studies ranging from the interception and alteration of navigational charts to theft of passport and credit card details. Beyond this, we demonstrate the ability to arbitrarily intercept and modify TCP sessions under certain network configurations, enabling man-in-the-middle and denial of service attacks against ships at sea. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the unique requirements and challenges for encryption in VSAT environments.

Fig. The typical flow of data through a maritime VSAT network. The attacker in the diagram can eavesdrop on traffic from step 6 but has limited visibility into traffic at all other stages.
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