
领域一 多路通信的超表面
Metasurfaces for multiplexed communication
Shuai Nie, etc.
Nature Electronics, 2021
Metasurfaces are artificial two-dimensional materials composed of multiple passive scatterers with a sub-wavelength periodicity. The materials can be designed to have unique electromagnetic properties such as a negative refractive index, and their ability to control electromagnetic fields has led to several emerging applications such as electromagnetic cloaks. On a macroscopic scale, metasurfaces can be considered as continuous media characterized by dielectric parameters including permittivity and permeability1. By varying these parameters, propagated electromagnetic waves that impinge upon the metasurfaces can be tuned to behave in a controlled manner (instead of being partially reflected, or randomly scattered and partially refracted, as is the case in natural media). This controlled behaviour includes non-specular reflections, tunedpolarization and full absorption.

Fig. Metasurface design for signal multiplexing in space and frequency
领域二 用于6G太赫兹无线通信的300GHz低成本高增益全金属Fabry-Perot腔天线
A 300-GHz low-cost high-gain fully metallic Fabry–Perot cavity antenna for 6G terahertz wireless communications
Basem Aqlan, etc.
Scientific Reports, 2021
A low-cost, compact, and high gain Fabry–Perot cavity (FPC) antenna which operates at 300 GHz is presented. The antenna is fabricated using laser-cutting brass technology. The proposed antenna consists of seven metallic layers; a ground layer, an integrated stepped horn element (three-layers), a coupling layer, a cavity layer, and an aperture-frequency selective surface (FSS) layer. The proposed aperture-FSS function acts as a partially reflective surface, contributing to a directive beam radiation. For verification, the proposed sub-terahertz (THz) FPC antenna prototype was developed, fabricated, and measured. The proposed antenna has a measured reflection coefficient below − 10 dB from 282 to 304 GHz with a bandwidth of 22 GHz. The maximum measured gain observed is 17.7 dBi at 289 GHz, and the gain is higher than 14.4 dBi from 285 to 310 GHz. The measured radiation pattern shows a highly directive pattern with a cross-polarization level below − 25 dB over the whole band in all cut planes, which confirms with the simulation results. The proposed antenna has a compact size, low fabrication cost, high gain, and wide operating bandwidth. The total height of the antenna is 1.24 λ0 (λ0 at the design frequency, 300 GHz) , with a size of 2.6 mm × 2.6 mm. The proposed sub-THz waveguide-fed FPC antenna is suitable for 6G wireless communication systems.
Fig. Configuration of the proposed 300 GHz FPC antenna with holes of standard WM-860 waveguide flange. (a) 3D-explosive structure (b) and sectional side-view
领域三 飞机和地面之间海量数据传输的可行性与挑战
Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on Ground: Feasibility and Challenges
Sandra Hofmann, etc
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2021, 36(5): 6-14
The analysis of large amount of sensor data can enhance aircraft operations and maintenance. In contrast to other use cases, aircraft sensor data are accumulated on-board during the flight. The data need to be transferred in a short time while the aircraft is on the ground due to limited and expensive connectivity in the air. This leads to a massive transfer of data in a short time. Therefore, we analyze the data rate demand per aircraft in terms of generated data per flight hour. We determine the influence of different parameters on the needed data rate per aircraft. We conclude that the needed data rates are feasible if the full day is used for transmitting. We show that multiple terabyte of generated data per flight hour can be supported by 5G data rates. Furthermore, we highlight challenges for the deployment of an aircraft data transfer system.领域四 太赫兹视距MIMO通信:理论与实践挑战
Terahertz Line-of-Sight MIMO Communication: Theory and Practical Challenges
Heedong Do, etc.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2021, 59(3): 104-109
A relentless trend in wireless communications is the hunger for bandwidth, and fresh bandwidth is only to be found at ever higher frequencies. While 5G systems are seizing the mmWave band, the attention of researchers is shifting already to the terahertz range. In that distant land of tiny wavelengths, antenna arrays can serve for more than power-enhancing beamforming. Defying lower-frequency wisdom, spatial multiplexing becomes feasible even in line-of-sight conditions. This article reviews the underpinnings of this phenomenon, and it surveys recent results on the ensuing information-theoretic capacity. Reconfigurable array architectures are put forth that can closely approach such capacity, practical challenges are discussed, and supporting experimental evidence is presented.
Fig. Spherical and planar wavefront illustrations, and respective validity regions as a function of the communication
range and carrier frequency when the aperture of the transmit and receive arrays is 50 cm.
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