
领域一 反射阵列天线:新一代空间通信卫星巨型星座的智能解决方案
Reflectarray antennas: a smart solution for new generation satellite mega-constellations in space communications
Borja Imaz-Lueje, etc.
Scientific Reports, 2020
One of the most ambitious projects in communications in recent years is the development of the so-called satellite mega-constellations. Comprised of hundreds or thousands of small and low-cost satellites, they aim to provide internet services in places without existing broadband access. For the antenna subsystem, reflectarrays have been proposed as a cheap solution due to their low profile and manufacturing costs, while still providing good performance. This paper presents a full design of a reflectarray antenna for mega-constellation satellites with a shaped-beam isoflux pattern for constant power flux in the surface of the Earth. A unit cell consisting of two stacked rectangular microstrip patches backed by a ground plane is employed, providing more than 360° of phase-shift. The generalized intersection approach optimization algorithm is employed to synthesize the required isoflux pattern in a 2 GHz bandwidth in Ku-band. To that purpose, a full-wave electromagnetic analysis is employed for the wideband design. The optimized reflectarray layout complies with the specifications of the isoflux pattern in the frequency band 16 GHz–18 GHz, demonstrating the capabilities of this type of antenna to provide a low-cost, low-profile solution for the user beam segment, including different types of shaped beams.领域二 第五代无线网络毫米波通信综述:可行性与挑战
A Comprehensive Survey on Millimeter Wave Communications for Fifth-Generation Wireless Networks: Feasibility and Challenges
Anthony Ngozichukwuka Uwaechia, etc.
IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 62367 - 62414
Fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks will almost certainly operate in the high-bandwidth, underutilized millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency spectrum, which offers the potentiality of high-capacity wireless transmission of multi-gigabit-per-second (Gbps) data rates. Despite the enormous available bandwidth potential, mmWave signal transmissions suffer from fundamental technical challenges like severe path loss, sensitivity to blockage, directivity, and narrow beamwidth, due to its short wavelengths. To effectively support system design and deployment, accurate channel modeling comprising several 5G technologies and scenarios is essential. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of several emerging technologies for 5G systems, such as massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies, multiple access technologies, hybrid analog-digital precoding and combining, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), cell-free massive MIMO, and simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) technologies. These technologies induce distinct propagation characteristics and establish specific requirements on 5G channel modeling. To tackle these challenges, we first provide a survey of existing solutions and standards and discuss the radio-frequency (RF) spectrum and regulatory issues for mmWave communications. Second, we compared existing wireless communication techniques like sub-6-GHz WiFi and sub-6 GHz 4G LTE over mmWave communications which come with benefits comprising narrow beam, high signal quality, large capacity data transmission, and strong detection potential. Third, we describe the fundamental propagation characteristics of the mmWave band and survey the existing channel models for mmWave communications. Fourth, we track evolution and advancements in hybrid beamforming for massive MIMO systems in terms of system models of hybrid precoding architectures, hybrid analog and digital precoding/combining matrices, with the potential antenna configuration scenarios and mmWave channel estimation (CE) techniques. Fifth, we extend the scope of the discussion by including multiple access technologies for mmWave systems such as non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and space-division multiple access (SDMA), with limited RF chains at the base station. Lastly, we explore the integration of SWIPT in mmWave massive MIMO systems, with limited RF chains, to realize spectrally and energy-efficient communications.领域三 用于毫米波5G前端的可重构平面菲涅耳透镜
A Reconfigurable Planar Fresnel Lens for Millimeter-Wave 5G Frontends
Qiangli Xi, etc
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2020, 68(11): 4579 - 4588
Besides the prohibitive cost, complexity, and baseband scale, the development of millimeter-wave (mmWave) digital-beamforming fifth-generation (5G) frontends is facing a physical-layer challenge of thermal dissipation. This is caused by the massively integrated power amplifiers (PAs) and the extremely compact volume due to millimeter-scale wavelengths. In this work, we theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate a reconfigurable planar Fresnel lens, based on which a new-concept mmWave beamforming frontend can be implemented with significantly reduced number of PAs. It overcomes the inherent shortcomings of analog beamforming solutions relying on massive use of power dividers and phase shifters and can replace the convex lens used in the recently proposed hybrid beamforming solution. The implemented Ka-band lens is simple-structured, cost-effective, and easy to control, providing multiple modes for beamspace massive-multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications. Experimental results verified its potential in different mmWave 5G systems such as base stations and point-to-point links.领域四 5G及未来通信可能使用的密码原语概述
An overview of cryptographic primitives for possible use in 5G and beyond
Jing Yang, etc.
Science China Information Sciences, 2020, 63
This survey overviews the potential use of cryptographic primitives in the fifth-generation mobile communications system (aka 5G) and beyond. It discusses the new security challenges that come with 5G and presents the upcoming security architecture. It shows the use of current cryptographic algorithms and discusses new algorithms or modifications of existing ones, that can be relevant. It also discusses the need for lightweight algorithms to meet the new use cases as well as the general demand for algorithms secure even when large quantum computers are available.往期精彩推荐
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