



        在上一期前沿文献中推荐中,介绍了5G/6G热点技术的最新进展,涵盖了卫星组网、毫米波通信、射频前端技术,以及网络安全方面的文献。在本期的文献推荐中,继续关注未来通信的热点技术及最新进展,涵盖了:自旋电子异质结构中自旋重取向跃迁对THz发射的偏振控制、4 THz带宽光电调频连续波太赫兹光谱、5G可作为无线能源网络,以及基于超级模块的智能跟踪和物联网有源二维码:一个响应式钞票案例研究,供相关领域的科研人员参考。
领域一 自旋电子异质结构中自旋重取向跃迁对THz发射的偏振控制
Polarization control of THz emission using spin-reorientation transition in spintronic heterostructure
Dinar Khusyainov, etc.
Scientific Reports, 2021

Polarization of electromagnetic waves plays an extremely important role in interaction of radiation with matter. In particular, interaction of polarized waves with ordered matter strongly depends on orientation and symmetry of vibrations of chemical bonds in crystals. In quantum technologies, the polarization of photons is considered as a “degree of freedom”, which is one of the main parameters that ensure efficient quantum computing. However, even for visible light, polarization control is in most cases separated from light emission. In this paper, we report on a new type of polarization control, implemented directly in a spintronic terahertz emitter. The principle of control, realized by a weak magnetic field at room temperature, is based on a spin-reorientation transition (SRT) in an intermetallic heterostructure TbCo2/FeCo with uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy. SRT is implemented under magnetic field of variable strength but of a fixed direction, orthogonal to the easy magnetization axis. Variation of the magnetic field strength in the angular (canted) phase of the SRT causes magnetization rotation without changing its magnitude. The charge current excited by the spin-to-charge conversion is orthogonal to the magnetization. As a result, THz polarization rotates synchronously with magnetization when magnetic field strength changes. Importantly, the radiation intensity does not change in this case. Control of polarization by SRT is applicable regardless of the spintronic mechanism of the THz emission, provided that the polarization direction is determined by the magnetic moment orientation. The results obtained open the prospect for the development of the SRT approach for THz emission control.
领域二 4 THz带宽光电调频连续波太赫兹光谱
Optoelectronic frequency-modulated continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy with 4 THz bandwidth
Lars Liebermeister, etc.
Nature Communications, 2021

Broadband terahertz spectroscopy enables many promising applications in science and industry alike. However, the complexity of existing terahertz systems has as yet prevented the breakthrough of this technology. In particular, established terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) schemes rely on complex femtosecond lasers and optical delay lines. Here, we present a method for optoelectronic, frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) terahertz sensing, which is a powerful tool for broadband spectroscopy and industrial non-destructive testing. In our method, a frequency-swept optical beat signal generates the terahertz field, which is then coherently detected by photomixing, employing a time-delayed copy of the same beat signal. Consequently, the receiver current is inherently phase-modulated without additional modulator. Owing to this technique, our broadband terahertz spectrometer performs (200 Hz measurement rate, or 4 THz bandwidth and 117 dB peak dynamic range with averaging) comparably to state-of-the-art terahertz-TDS systems, yet with significantly reduced complexity. Thickness measurements of multilayer dielectric samples with layer-thicknesses down to 23 µm show its potential for real-world applications. Within only 0.2 s measurement time, an uncertainty of less than 2 % is achieved, the highest accuracy reported with continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy. Hence, the optoelectronic FMCW approach paves the way towards broadband and compact terahertz spectrometers that combine fiber optics and photonic integration technologies.
领域三 5G可作为无线能源网络
5G as a wireless power grid
Aline Eid, etc
Scientific Reports, 2021

5G has been designed for blazing fast and low-latency communications. To do so, mm-wave frequencies were adopted and allowed unprecedently high radiated power densities by the FCC. Unknowingly, the architects of 5G have, thereby, created a wireless power grid capable of powering devices at ranges far exceeding the capabilities of any existing technologies. However, this potential could only be realized if a fundamental trade-off in wireless energy harvesting could be circumvented. Here, we propose a solution that breaks the usual paradigm, imprisoned in the trade-off between rectenna angular coverage and turn-on sensitivity. The concept relies on the implementation of a Rotman lens between the antennas and the rectifiers. The printed, flexible mm-wave lens allows robust and bending-resilient operation over more than 20 GHz of gain and angular bandwidths. Antenna sub-arrays, rectifiers and DC combiners are then added to the structure to demonstrate its combination of large angular coverage and turn-on sensitivity—in both planar and bent conditions—and a harvesting ability up to a distance of 2.83 m in its current configuration and exceeding 180 m using state-of-the-art rectifiers enabling the harvesting of several μW of DC power (around 6 μW at 180 m with 75 dBm EIRP).
领域四 基于超级模块的智能跟踪和物联网有源二维码:一个响应式钞票案例研究
Super modules-based active QR codes for smart trackability and IoT: a responsive-banknotes case study
João F. C. B. Ramalho, etc.
npj Flexible Electronics, 2020

The general use of smartphones assigns additional relevance to QR codes as a privileged tool to the Internet of Things (IoT). Crucial for QR codes is the evolution to IoT-connected smart tags with enhanced storage capacity and secure accesses. Using the concept of super-modules (s-modules) built from adjacent spatial multiplexed modules with regular geometrical shapes, assisted by colour multiplexing, we modelled and design a single QR code with, at least, the triple storage capacity of an analogous size black/white QR code, acting as a smart-tag ensuring restrict access and trackability. The s-modules are printed using luminescent low-cost and eco-friendly inks based on organic-inorganic hybrids modified by lanthanides with multiplexed colour emission in the orthogonal RGB space. The access to the restrict information is attained only under UV irradiation and encrypted for secure transmission. The concept of active QR codes for smart trackability and IoT was materialised through the development of a free friendly-user mobile app.


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