IEEE Xplore MOOC 2019——“投稿那些事”特色活动开始了!
IEEE Online Sharing Series: My First IEEE Paper
论文经验分享:从IEEE会议到顶刊 | 11月24日(10:00-11:00am) |
我的一篇 IEEE 期刊论文——“归功”于一次 IEEE 会议 | 11月26日(19:30-20:30pm) |
经验分享——如何投出自己的第一篇IEEE论文 | 12月05日(19:30-20:30pm) |
IEEE作者工具:助力高质量写作出版 | 12月12日 (19:30-20:30pm) |
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Session1: Nov. 24, 10:00-11:00am
Experience sharing: from IEEE conference paper to top journals
作为一名博士研究生,科研之路总是充满艰辛,又伴有喜悦。一路走来,经历了从IEEE会议投稿被拒,到Nature Biotechnology顶刊发表,对于论文的准备、优化、修改流程有了更为清晰的认识,希望自己的一些经历会让大家可以有所收获。
As a doctoral student, the research journey is always accompanied by the hardship and joy. I have been faced with different stages, from IEEE conference paper rejected, to top journal accepted, and accumulate experience in idea optimization, figure preparation and manuscript revision. Hope I can bring and share some novel opinions with you.
宋宇,北京大学微电子专业2015级博士研究生,2018年9月,前往美国加州理工学院医疗工程系交流访问,主要从事集成化微能源器件与面向健康监测的可穿戴智能系统的研究。累计发表SCI期刊论文34篇,EI会议论文18篇,其中第一作者15篇,包括Nature Biotechnology,ACS Nano,Nano Energy等领域内知名期刊,申请发明专利14项,发表专著一章,并担任多个期刊独立审稿人。读博以来,曾获得一系列奖励荣誉,包括百人会英才学者奖,国家奖学金、校长奖学金、唐立新奖学金、信息科学技术学院“学术十杰”等。
Yu Song, a PhD candidate of Microelectronics in Peking University. From September 2018, he joined Department of Medical Engineering as a visiting scholar in California Institute of Technology (Caltech). His research focused on integrated micro-energy devices and wearable smart systems towards health monitoring. He has published 34 SCI journals and 18 EI-indexed conference papers (15 first-author), including Nature Biotechnology, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, etc. He has applied for 14 Chinese patents (3 issued), published 1 chapter and worked as
independent reviewer for several journals. During PhD program, he has received several awards and honors, including Leadership Scholarship (Committee of 100), National Scholarship, Principle Scholarship, Tang Lixin Scholarship, and Academic Top 10 Graduate Student (EECS).
Session2: Nov. 26, 19:30-20:30pm
我的一篇 IEEE 期刊论文——“归功”于一次 IEEE 会议
One of my IEEE journal paper - benefit from an IEEE conference
人生充满了未知,上一秒你或许还在实验室里惬意的喝着奶茶、刷着剧,下一秒开始你可能就要为了一篇 SCI 论文而煎熬两年,而这一切都“归功于”一次 IEEE 会议。回首过往,我想对我,也想对大家说一句:“原来我也可以写出 SCI 期刊论文!”
Life is full of unknowns. In the last second, you may still drink milk tea and brush the drama in the lab. However, you may have to suffer for an SCI paper for two years from the next second, and all this is due to An IEEE meeting. Looking back, I want to say to me, and I want to say to everyone: ‘I can also write SCI journal articles!’
王余阳,清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系硕士研究生刚毕业。研究生期间,共发表学术论文 6 篇,其中包括 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (一区,顶刊)期刊,在 IEEE 会议 powercon 发表过论文,参加了 2016 年在澳大利亚举办的该会议并现场做过汇报。曾获得清华大学优秀本科毕业设计,清华大学优秀硕士论文和清华大学优秀硕士毕业生称号。 Wang Yuyang, graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University. During the postgraduate period, he published 6 academic papers, including the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (1st District, Top Issue), published a paper at the IEEE conference powercon, participated in the conference held in Australia in 2016 and reported it on the conference. He was awarded the outstanding undergraduate design of Tsinghua University, the outstanding master's thesis of Tsinghua University and the outstanding master's graduate of Tsinghua University.
Session3: Dec. 5, 19:30-20:30pm
Experience sharing - how to get your first IEEE paper
I will share my research experience from the aspect of the most ordinary college student (that is, myself) and discuss the attitude towards scientific research. At the same time, I will share
the process of the birth of an IEEE paper from the three aspects: tutor/topic selection, scientific research process, and thesis writing.
个人简介:刘昌坤,IEEE学生会员,曾任MWCL审稿人。导师是电子科技大学罗讯教授。2018年受邀在国际会议UCMMT上发表论文,2019年在国际微波年会(IMS2019)上发表论文并获得IMS Sixty-Second Presentation(S2P)竞赛奖与学生设计竞赛(IMS Student Design Competition)第一名并受邀在IEEE Microwave Magazine上发表论文,目前是电子科技大学电子学院在读研究生。
Liu Changkun, IEEE student member, was a reviewer of Microwave and Wireless components Letters (MWCL). His supervisor is Prof. Xun Luo. He was invited to publish paper at the UK/Europe-China Workshop on Millimeter Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT) in 2018. In 2019,he published another paper at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) and won the prize of Sixty-Second Presentation (S2P) Competition. Meanwhile, he also won the first place of IMS Student Design Competition and been invited to publish paper in the IEEE Microwave Magazine. He is currently a graduate student at the School of Electronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
Session 4: Dec. 12, 19:30-20:30pm
IEEE Author Tools: Quality Publishing with IEEE
w 投稿前的准备工作
w 选择合适投稿对象
w 开放科学-数据、源代码
w 学术道德
This presentation will help you get familiar with author tools which can make your paper submission easier and boost your chance of getting accepted by IEEE top journals and conferences. The topics will cover:
w Paper submission checklist
w Select appropriate journal/conference
w Open science- code & dataset
w Ethics- do or dont
李箐,IEEE亚太区区域经理,负责为部分亚太地区包括中国大陆、香港及澳门客户提供科技创新解决方案。曾担任IEEE中国区资讯经理,负责大中华区的IEEE客户培训以及IEEE 高校合作伙伴项目。曾就读于北京大学信息管理系及美国雪城大学信息研究学院,在IEEE、ACM、AIS、ASEE等国际学术机构发表多篇论文及会议报告。
Qing Li, IEEE Area Manager, APAC, is responsible for providing technical innovation solutions
for customers in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. She previously served as IEEE Client Services Manager, in charge of IEEE customer training in China (including Hong Kong, Taiwan) and IEEE University Partner Program. She studied at the Information Management Department of Peking University and the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University. She has published many papers and conference reports in international academic institutions such as IEEE, ACM, AIS, and ASEE.